A young man works at a computer. He has headphones on, his hands are folded in front of him and held to his mouth.
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Interview Tips for Introverted Technology Professionals

Over the last hundred years, researchers have looked at the human traits of introversion and extroversion. While introverts and extroverts are believed to exist in equal numbers, extroversion has maintained an unsurprising stronghold on the dialogue. With the advent of social media, however, introversion has become a trending topic online in memes and posts. This…

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Are We a Good Fit? How to Establish Culture Fit During a Tech Interview

Culture fit became a huge buzzword around 2012, and has since ingrained itself as a requirement for job seekers, consultants, and employers alike. But what do we mean when we say we are looking for a person—or opportunity—that is the right “fit” culturally? And has this concept become so commonplace that we’re losing sight of…

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9 Interview Questions Every .NET Developer Should Be Prepared to Answer

In the world of IT job or contract gig seeking, we often focus a lot of energy on resumes, technical summaries, networking, and other key facets to landing an interview. While all of these are important, perhaps more important—especially when it comes to in-demand .NET developer positions—is how you handle the interview itself. For many…

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Use Your Best Interview Questions to Drive Better Business Practices

When interviewing candidates, you are looking for more than just a person to occupy a seat; you want to find the right applicant who will help your business flourish. Failing to ask probing interview questions can leave you ill-equipped to identify which candidate will help truly support your best business practices. Before you meet with…

Image of silhouettes telling stories from "3 Stories to Tell at Your IT Interview" from ESP IT in Minneapolis, MN.

3 Stories to Tell at Your IT Interview

Once upon a time…an IT pro wished above all else for a successful interview. Fortunately, IT job seekers and contract professionals don’t need a fairy godmother to grant this wish. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: the best interviews are conversations, not interrogations. And in order to keep your interviewer engaged in…

Image of a man looking at a board with text "4 Tips To Market Yourself To An IT Interviewer" from ESP IT in Minneapolis, MN

4 Tips To Market Yourself To An IT Interviewer

Whether your plans for 2016 include searching for new IT gigs, advancing your career by acquiring additional IT certifications, or going after an Academy Award, a strong personal branding strategy is essential to launch you into the next season. While you may not be able to spend the millions of dollars on your personal branding campaign that Hollywood invests in the Oscars each year, you can…


Coming Soon…4 Tips for “Telling About Yourself” in Your Next Interview

Make a lasting impression at your interview by skillfully navigating the inevitable opener: “so… tell me about yourself.” No matter how many key interviewing stories you have in your back-pocket, many IT consultants still feel uncertain about how to approach this open-ended start to an interview. However, this opener is nothing to shy from: It is…

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Don’t Rely on Luck: What to Consider Before Accepting That Job Offer

When it comes to finding the perfect job, do you feel like you’ve got better luck finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Don’t rely on luck when it comes to happiness in your next job.  If the position seems perfect in almost every way, take the time to carefully consider…

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3 Skills Every IT Pro Should Have

You may have the best technical skills of any IT pro in the market, but if you’re missing these three important soft skills, you could be in trouble on the job front.  While some soft skills are universally important, others take greater precedence depending on the industry in which you work. Whether you’re getting ready…