A tech recruiter at ESP IT in Minneapolis, MN reviews the resumes of applicants looking for jobs in the local technology job market.
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How to Find a Job in a Booming Tech Market

The technology job market is booming. As businesses grow and adapt in the wake of the last two years, software engineers, technology experts and tech staff are in high demand, to say the least. With opportunities around the country, experienced tech professionals are facing an excellent job market. This may be a great time to…

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How To Write A Standout Technical Summary

Your NFL Preseason: IT job and gig seekers in need of inspiration for a winning resume, look no further than ESP…N? NFL preseason has officially begun, and believe it or not these exhibition games have more pointers to offer IT professionals than meets the eye. Perhaps influenced by the awesome tech features of the new U.S….

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“Under Pressure” – Validating Your IT Skills On LinkedIn

As an IT pro, you’re generally the first to acknowledge and appreciate new technologies. But let’s face it – sometimes these technologies seem more complicated than helpful. In the case of virtual resume platforms such as LinkedIn, users sometimes try to simplify things by ignoring details, processes, and steps which they feel are too complicated…

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“Don’t, Don’t You Want Me?” – Your Work History on LinkedIn

Has a lack of activity on your LinkedIn profile page left you asking the question made famous by the 80’s hit song: “Don’t You Want Me?” Some wisdom from the ESP IT recruiting team in this second blog of our three-part LinkedIn Tips series will tell you how the middle of your LinkedIn page—the “experience”…

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"Should I Stay or Should I Go?" – LinkedIn First Impressions

LinkedIn has revolutionized the way recruiters and hiring managers are able to interact with IT consultants. The Clash may have been talking about a relationship dilemma in their hit song, “Should I Stay or Should I Go,” but with so many profiles on LinkedIn and limited time to look through them, IT recruiters can’t help…

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New Year’s Resolutions for Your IT Career

Have you made a New Year’s Resolution? A new year is a great time to implement change in your life, including a change in your career goals. Whether you’re happily situated at a company, consulting, or looking for a new opportunity, make some positive changes to your career this year with the following two resolutions….

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Get Your Resume Noticed: Use The Top To Get To The Top

To make a great impression, focus on the top portion of your resume.  Recruiters and hiring managers are busy folk so show how great you are and make their job easier by keeping these 4 tips for the top in mind before submitting your resume. 1. Executive summary.  Executive summaries can be very difficult to…

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Tips for an IT Consultant's Resume

Most standard rules for formatting resumes do not apply to those in the IT industry. This is even more pertinent to consultants, as the temporary nature of your work means you’ve had more employers and many individual projects under your belt. So what should an IT consultant’s resume look like? What should be included and highlighted?…