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Next Stop: Work-Life… Integration? 5 Tips for IT Pros

There’s been a recent trend in workplace “total wellness” initiatives to shift emphasis from work-life balance, to work-life integration – and we think IT pros everywhere should rejoice. Though the work-life balance camp is well intentioned, the movement still has professionals seeing “work” and “life” as two mutually exclusive, competitive facets. Instead, work-life integration sees “life” as…

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Relocation to the Twin Cities: It’s a Good Move

Our CEO, a Florida native and long-time resident and fan of Minnesota, drew attention to a recent Star Tribune article discussing why workers choose the Twin Cities for their career. As a fellow Minnesota transplant, the article naturally piqued my interest. I then realized about half of our office staff are originally from out of…

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Technology Superheroes: Which Avenger are you?

As an IT Consultant, you may not consider yourself a Superhero but you do often save the day for your company and end users alike. Think of yourself as an Avenger defeating the evil Ultron, except you’re defeating bad code, cyber threats, and other tech foes. With so many opportunities to battle the enemies of…

Why Being An IT Professional When You Grow Up Is Better Than Being A Secret Agent
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Why Being An IT Professional When You Grow Up Is Better Than Being A Secret Agent

Kids dream big. When you ask them what they want to be when they grow up, you’ll get answers ranging from astronauts to secret agents, pop stars to pilots, dancers to firefighters. All these careers have one thing in common: kids know about them. As kids grow into high schoolers and begin to think about college,…

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TechHire Initiative: Changing The Way You Hire

It’s no secret that finding skilled IT professionals is proving difficult in our current job market. Half a million IT jobs are currently open in the United States and that number will increase if the Tech Industry continues to grow as projected. In fact, Information and Technology jobs make up about 12% of current job…

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New Year’s Resolutions for Your IT Career

Have you made a New Year’s Resolution? A new year is a great time to implement change in your life, including a change in your career goals. Whether you’re happily situated at a company, consulting, or looking for a new opportunity, make some positive changes to your career this year with the following two resolutions….

IT Certifications: Should They Impact Your Hiring Decision?
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IT Certifications: Should They Impact Your Hiring Decision?

Culture fit, experience, and education are all important factors when hiring.  However, they are not the only elements to consider in the hiring process.  Certifications can be a great way to measure potential employees’ skills and abilities.  Certification may even help you distinguish a more highly qualified applicant or allow you to open the door…


State of the IT Industry

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported projected IT employment growth from 2012-2022.  IT industry occupations are projected to grow 17.6% by 2022 meaning IT will grow 63% more than other industries.  While most occupations within the IT industry will grow nominally, the exponential growth for the IT industry is a result of five industry…