A young man works at a computer. He has headphones on, his hands are folded in front of him and held to his mouth.
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Interview Tips for Introverted Technology Professionals

Over the last hundred years, researchers have looked at the human traits of introversion and extroversion. While introverts and extroverts are believed to exist in equal numbers, extroversion has maintained an unsurprising stronghold on the dialogue. With the advent of social media, however, introversion has become a trending topic online in memes and posts. This…

A woman sits at her desk behind a desktop computer with text Most Sought-After Qualities in an IT Professional - ESP IT

The Most Sought-After Qualities in an IT Professional

If your business has ever experienced the rollout of a new technology system, undergone a physical relocation, dealt with a data breach, or weathered even minor technical difficulties, then you know the importance of a prompt and qualified IT professional. In times of growth, development, and immediate need, businesses rely on their IT teams to…


Do You Need A Personal Trainer For Your Tech Career?

Did you meet your goals in 2016? If your answer—at least in part—is “no” then you’re not alone. Millions of people began 2017 by reflecting on changes they want to make. In many cases, the achievement of these goals will depend on support from trained professionals who will motivate, encourage, and challenge people on their…

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How to Be an Awesome .NET Developer (not) Technically Speaking

While the need for technical competency in a developer position is a given, there are a variety of other skills that can increase your career success. If you want to take your .NET development work from every day to awesome, consider developing in these key skills areas. Here are our tips for how to be…

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Be an IT Chameleon! 3 Essential Reasons to Learn a New Skill Now!

As technology continues to integrate itself into more business areas and becomes the core of more critical functions, keeping your skills up to date is a requirement in order to stay competitive within the ever-evolving information technology field.  Innovations come at a pace that practically requires a continuous learning approach, as it is not acceptable…

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How To Write A Standout Technical Summary

Your NFL Preseason: IT job and gig seekers in need of inspiration for a winning resume, look no further than ESP…N? NFL preseason has officially begun, and believe it or not these exhibition games have more pointers to offer IT professionals than meets the eye. Perhaps influenced by the awesome tech features of the new U.S….

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What Do Millennial IT Pros Need to Know?

The Millennial members of ESP’s team weigh in on how their own professional experiences and their recruitment interactions with Millennial IT pros have shaped their view of the Millennial generation, and provide some advice to their peers in the tech field In many ways, the challenges of a Millennial workforce have already been addressed. The…

Image of person writing "Is Contract-To-Hire A Win-Win For Both Parties? What To Consider" from ESP IT technology staffing firm in Twin Cities, MN.
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Is Contract-To-Hire A Win-Win For Both Parties? What To Consider:

Working with or in IT, you’ve undoubtedly encountered contract-to-hire. Since gaining popularity around 2010, these opportunities have been purported as “win-win” solutions for employers and employees alike, allowing individuals to contract with a company for a defined period under the mutual intention of considering a more permanent arrangement when the contract is over. But while…

Image of a person typing code from ESP IT in Minneapolis, Minnesota with text "Our Team Weighs In On Why ESP's The Best"

6 Simple Habits To Make You A Top Developer

Whether you’re a Web .Net, Java, or Mobile Developer, or even a Software Consultant, integrating these habits into your daily life will help you rise to the top of your field.Let’s face it – you know that “Software Developer” is a general term. Even within the tech stratosphere there’s a fine line between Computer Scientists,…

Image of Yoda from blog "Star Gigs: Choosing Between IT Contract Opportunities" from ESP IT in Minneapolis

Star Gigs: Choosing Between IT Contract Opportunities

As an IT consultant, your professional career is marked by many choices, changes, and adjustments. While these career choices don’t consist of choosing between the light and dark sides as is the case for your favorite Star Wars characters, you must strive every day to ensure that your actions and decisions are in line with…