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What’s the Big Deal about ‘Culture Fit’? Part 2

Interviewing for Culture Fit You may have begun to wonder lately if ‘culture fit’ is just the latest buzz word, or if it really is an important factor in your company’s success. A company’s culture is its values, practices, attitudes, and norms that resonate in the everyday behavior of its employees. Because ‘everyday behavior’ is…

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Good Interviewers Make Good Hires

You’re probably sick of hearing about the hot IT job market, but the fact that it is an IT job seekers’ market makes it more important than ever for hiring employers to see interviewing as a two-way street. The interview offers an opportunity for the employer to make a positive impression on the candidate. It is a chance…


A Lazy Summer Shouldn’t Lead to Lazy Reference Checks

It’s (astronomically) official. Last week’s solstice confirmed the arrival of summer, and with it: warmer and – let’s face it  – often lazier days. While it’s tempting to let everything slide a little during this time of year, checking references could be the difference between a great hire and a terrible one.  References from former…

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Companies Employ Hunting Tactics

With so many professionals looking for jobs while the economy slowly recovers, companies are getting flooded with resumes, and internal recruiters spend most of their time wading through them. They often only find one or two qualified candidates in the thousands of resumes they read. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal (Recruiters Rethink…