Forecasting the Future of Cybersecurity

When the internet was invented, a variety of industries were born. Computing, information technology, and software development changed immediately, and are continually evolving. But with the creation of new technology, a new task was necessitated – keeping that technology, and more importantly, the underlying data, safe using cybersecurity. Cybersecurity has taken enormous strides in recent…

An image of a robot with text You Know of R.B.G but Do You Know of R.P.A.? blog from ESP IT in Minneapolis, Minnesota

You Know of R.B.G but Do You Know of R.P.A.?

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word robots? Technology. Innovation. Automation. Computerization. Futurization. Artificial intelligence. Droids. And now, the People’s Choice Award: robot process automation. Whatever you call this machinery, it’s been killing careers—from computer support specialists to cashiers—for a while.  AI has been building for years, but this time…

Website banner with text "Go Phish: Protecting Your Data Reminders"

Go Phish: Protecting Your Data Reminders

During COVID-19, everyone is spending a lot more time and money online: mobile delivery apps, online shopping, working-from-home, and just browsing. And just like all other things digital, hacking and phishing attempts have soared:  Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Dropbox attacks are up 300% since February 25% of all e-commerce transitions were attacked in 2020 31%…

Finding a job is a job from ESP IT Website Banner

Finding a Job Is a Job

As career professionals, it’s always important to be prepared for the unexpected. Sometimes, the unexpected can result in your unemployment. Unfortunately, in this day and age, this is all too common. You’ll inevitably feel shocked, disappointed, or concerned, so allow yourself twenty-four hours to feel angry, sorry for yourself, and worry.  After that, it’s time…


Staying Positive and Productive While Working from Home

Sure, you get to work at home, but you’re having trouble focusing on *actually* working. The ever-growing pile of laundry is much more appealing than checking your email, and checking Twitter for news updates is distracting you from your excel sheets. So, first of all, cook yourself a good breakfast, grab your coffee, and read…

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Making the Most of the Gig Economy Through Strong Partnerships

The buzzword of 2018 could very well be the “gig economy.”  Professionals are changing the way they work – contract work, consulting, freelance, the list goes on. The shift of employment preference can be used to a company’s advantage. Consulting services help companies scale their projects, bringing in the resources they need to complete successful…


Cray Inc. Case Study

Cray, the global supercomputing technology leader, has been partnering with ESP IT since 2011. ESP IT started working with Cray through Blaine Ebeling, Senior Software Manager. Blaine was searching for engineering consulting talent with very specific experience in Linux Systems. Throughout the years, we at ESP have learned about Cray’s particular technical needs and fantastic…


How the Repeal of Net Neutrality Rules Could Affect You

The Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, voted on Thursday, December 14 to dismantle rules that were put in place to keep the internet accessible to all with a computer and a Wi-Fi connection. This is concerning news for many Americans, as broadband companies now have the power to control access to different sites, having “the…