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Who Are .NET Developers?

As .NET Developers continue to evolve in popularity and consulting positions for these tech professionals become more readily available, we’re getting asked: Who are .NET developers? Hiring managers and tech team members not only want to know what these developers do from a technical standpoint—they’re interested in the people behind the screen. What drives these…

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Are We a Good Fit? How to Establish Culture Fit During a Tech Interview

Culture fit became a huge buzzword around 2012, and has since ingrained itself as a requirement for job seekers, consultants, and employers alike. But what do we mean when we say we are looking for a person—or opportunity—that is the right “fit” culturally? And has this concept become so commonplace that we’re losing sight of…

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Overcoming Unconscious Biases: Support Women in Technology

As we approach Mother’s Day, we’re once again reflecting on the reasons why women and technology are a perfect match. In 2013, we proclaimed that working moms love IT—and the statement remains true today. Studies detail the measurable impact women can have on tech teams and the desirable benefits tech careers offer women, but there…

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Why Your IT Department Should Be Using Agile

When we say IT departments are using “Agile” we don’t mean they are hiring IT pros who are swift, nimble, and acrobatic—well, at least not entirely. Agile refers to a popular development methodology that has gained traction among technology teams as an iterative and flexible approach to complete large-scale projects while reducing failure risk. The alternate “Waterfall”…

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9 Interview Questions Every .NET Developer Should Be Prepared to Answer

In the world of IT job or contract gig seeking, we often focus a lot of energy on resumes, technical summaries, networking, and other key facets to landing an interview. While all of these are important, perhaps more important—especially when it comes to in-demand .NET developer positions—is how you handle the interview itself. For many…

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4 Ways You Absolutely KNOW You Found the Right IT Consultant

Choosing an IT consultant can be a daunting task, especially for smaller businesses and hiring managers who don’t have experience working with consultants. Though consultants boast unique expertise, adaptability, and proficiency, their time often comes at a higher hourly cost than permanent, full-time IT pros. But for many tech teams—especially those looking to reduce turnover…


5 Steps to Succeed on a Scrum Team as a BA

from ESP Originally written by Trina Silverglate, IT Consultant; Abridged August 2017 In Scrum methodology, the BA is not a defined role, but often companies decide it will be most effective to include one on their teams. Because of the lack of definition around the role, as a Business Analyst Contractor, you can end up…

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10 Reasons to Embrace IoT

All techies hold at least a fundamental understanding of the Internet of Things. Since 2014 especially, the world of sensors, connected devices and increased Internet technologies has exploded—with researchers predicting 30 to 50 billion connected devices by the year 2020. But despite these climbing numbers, some IT pros continue to view the IoT as a…


ESP IT Sponsors MHTA’s Tech.

Tech.2017 offers a look at Minnesota’s current strengths and future opportunities in technology.  This breakfast event is aimed at technology executives and professionals along with entrepreneurs and investors for a morning of networking and cutting-edge insights and is built around the recent Milken Institute State Science and Technology Index and Minnesota’s recent jump from 12th…