Data Solutions Career Insights For Twin Cities IT Professionals

Data Science and Data Analysis often are conflated when talking about data jobs in the wider IT world. While they do share some qualities, and Data Scientists and Data Analysts often work closely together, each position has its own critical function. Data Analysts interpret data and turn that raw information into reports that help inform and shape business decisions. Data Analysts gather information from various sources and interpret patterns and trends. Data Analysts help turn the raw data of business into a comprehensive and relevant story to the wider business and relevant departments.
As a prospective Data Analyst, you will often make recommendations about the processes and methods that a company obtains and analyses data to improve the overall performance and efficiency of data systems. You will collect and interpret data, as well as analyzing those results. Data Analysts work closely with other departments in order to keep them updated on what they have found, as well as how it is relevant to their work. Data Analysts must also be skilled in data storytelling and putting together reports and analysis that identifies patterns and trends.

To become a Data Scientist, a degree in mathematics, computer science, statistics or economics is usually best suited for the job. Additionally, experience working with data models and reporting software, the ability to analyze large data sets, strong written and verbal communication skills, and a passion for problem-solving are good qualities candidates bring to the table. If you enjoy finding patterns, solving puzzles, and working with teams to help them perform better, then looking for a Data Analyst position may be right for you.
ESP IT can help in your job search for Data Scientist jobs in the Twin Cities area. We are proud to provide recruiting services, open job postings, resources, and a salary guide to make sure you are equipped to locate and interview for a Data Scientist position. Find out more by exploring our website.
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