ESP 2024 Salary Survey Guide

ESP 2024 Salary Survey Guide

We are happy to bring you our 2024 edition of the ESP Salary Survey Guide!

Our salary guide presents data gathered and analyzed from a variety of Minnesota companies, including established Fortune 500 companies, mid-sized organizations, and smaller emerging businesses. We compared our numbers, using actual salaries from our recent placements and market observations from our recruitment team, with those available from several national resources. 

In this year’s guide, we evaluate factors that affect salary ranges, insights on hiring, in-demand skills and certifications, and other market trends. This comprehensive resource for IT professionals keeps you updated on salary trends, market demands, and career development opportunities.

Looking ahead, Minnesota continues to offer excellent opportunities for employment. The national unemployment rate is marginally higher, currently at 4.3%, up from 3.8% from the first quarter this year, while Minnesota’s rate remains relatively consistent year over year at 2.9%. Despite a softer perceived market, job growth and employment have remained stable overall. It is worth noting that technology unemployment on a national level is currently at 2.8% down from 3.5% earlier in the year.  This reflects the tech hiring market showing more signs of recovery through the summer.

Flexible work schedules and remote-friendly work environments have been established, but there has been a noticeable shift in employers expressing a desire for employees to return to the office, even if on a limited basis. This push for in-person collaboration, engagement, and stronger team relationships has become more pronounced.

We sincerely appreciate your trust in ESP for your IT Consulting and Direct Hire needs. Our annual salary guide incorporates data gathered from recent ESP hires, as well as national and local research. We closely monitor and analyze hiring trends, including compensation and benefits, to provide you with the best service possible.

Click here to view and download the guide.